BME 841 Biodesign
BME Core Class
Reference textbook: Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies. By Paul G. Yock et al. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition.
BME 803 Research Methods in Biomedical Engineering
BME Core Class
Course Goal
The goal of the Research Methods in Biomedical Engineering (BME) course is to teach first-year BME graduate students important skills that will improve their success rate in performing novel research. To achieve this goal, the student will be asked to complete the following objectives:
Have a complete understanding of the scientific process;
Understand how research is performed at institutions of higher education, with a focus on costs, space, and the role of the federal government;
Gain an improved understanding of peer review of grant applications and manuscripts;
Understand the components, both scientific and administrative, of a complete grant application;
Have an improved understanding of how to collect, treat, manage, and interpret data;
Improve writing and oral communication skills through practice and feedback;
Gain awareness of university research resources for research and career development;
Understand IRB and IACUC, their importance and function;
Complete ethics training and understand the importance of learning and executing academic integrity and honesty.
MSU Strength Augmenting Robotic eXoskeleton (STARX) Team and Applied College Exoskeleton (ACE) Competition
High School Honors Science, Math and Engineering Program (HSHSP)
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Site on the Multidisciplinary Computational Solutions to Smart Sensors and Sensing Systems